3 Most Popular Tech Stacks Used By PropTech Startups in the UK

Global PropTech News

Last Updated: May 16, 2023 18:15:53

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In the fast-paced world of startups, the phrase “Tech Stacks” is widely used to describe the combination of programming languages, frameworks, and tools that make up a company’s technology infrastructure. For young entrepreneurs, understanding the Tech Stacks used by successful startups in their industry is crucial to developing a scalable and cost-effective product or business model.

But what exactly is a Tech Stack, and how do you create one that won’t give your development team a headache? In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Tech Stacks, from the basics to the key components of a scalable and effective stack. We’ll also take a deep dive into the most popular Tech Stacks used by PropTech startups in the UK, and evaluate their scalability and effectiveness.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a firm understanding of Tech Stacks and be equipped with the knowledge you need to build a strong, reliable infrastructure for your startup.

What are Tech Stacks?

Tech Stacks commonly known as technology stacks or technology infrastructure is a cluster of technologies which are used to build maintainable, large-scale applications.

It’s important to note that different Tech Stacks may be used for different purposes, such as front-end development, back-end development, or full-stack development.

To illustrate this, let’s take the example of a typical e-commerce website. The Tech Stack used to build this website might include the following components:

  1. Front-end technology: The front-end of the website is what the user sees and interacts with, so it needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly. The front-end Tech Stack may include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks such as React or Angular.
  2. Back-end technology: The back-end of the website is responsible for handling data and processing user requests. The back-end Tech Stack may include programming languages such as Java, Python, or PHP, and popular frameworks such as Node.js or Ruby on Rails.
  3. Database technology: The website needs to store and retrieve user data efficiently and securely. The database Tech Stack may include technologies such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL.
  4. Infrastructure technology: The website needs to be hosted on servers that can handle traffic and maintain uptime. The infrastructure Tech Stack may include cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

All of these components work together as a unit to create a robust and scalable e-commerce website. By selecting the right combination of tools and technologies, a company can create a Tech Stack that is optimized for its specific needs and goals.

The 3 Most Popular Tech Stacks Used By PropTech Startups in the UK

LAMP Stack

The LAMP Stack is a widely recognized and popular tech stack used in web development. It consists of four key components: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python. Let’s take a closer look at each component:

What are the components of the LAMP Stack?

  1. Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system that forms the foundation of the LAMP Stack. It provides stability, security, and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for hosting web applications. Its robust architecture and large community support contribute to its widespread adoption.
  2. Apache: Apache is the web server software used in the LAMP Stack. It is highly reliable, scalable, and customizable. Apache’s modular design allows developers to extend its functionality through various modules. It efficiently handles HTTP requests, serves web pages, and manages connections between the server and client browsers.
  3. MySQL: MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is known for its speed, reliability, and scalability, making it suitable for handling large datasets. MySQL is used to store and manage structured data efficiently, enabling PropTech startups to store property listings, user information, and other relevant data.
  4. PHP/Perl/Python: The final component of the LAMP Stack is the scripting language, which can be PHP, Perl, or Python. These languages provide dynamic functionality to web applications, allowing developers to create interactive and feature-rich websites. PHP, in particular, is widely used for web development due to its ease of use, extensive libraries, and compatibility with various platforms.



Scalability is one of the key strengths of the LAMP Stack. The stack offers various options for scaling web applications to handle increasing user demands and data loads.

With Linux as the operating system, it provides a stable and scalable foundation for hosting applications. Apache, the web server, can be configured to handle a large number of concurrent connections and efficiently distribute the incoming traffic.

MySQL, the relational database management system, offers scalability through features such as replication, sharding, and clustering. These mechanisms allow for distributing the database load across multiple servers, ensuring efficient handling of data storage and retrieval as the application grows.

Additionally, the scripting language, whether it’s PHP, Perl, or Python, allows developers to design scalable code architectures. They can implement techniques such as caching, asynchronous processing, and load balancing to optimize performance and accommodate higher user volumes.

Largely Supported Community

The LAMP Stack benefits from a vast and active community of developers and users. This community provides extensive support, resources, and documentation, making it easier for developers to learn, troubleshoot, and optimize their applications.

The Linux community is known for its collaborative nature and robust support forums. Users can find solutions to common issues, access tutorials, and receive prompt assistance from experienced community members. Apache, MySQL, and the scripting languages also have dedicated communities that contribute to the development of frameworks, libraries, and plugins, further enriching the ecosystem.

The large community support ensures that any challenges or bugs are often identified and addressed promptly. It also facilitates knowledge sharing and the availability of best practices, enabling PropTech startups to leverage the collective expertise of the community to build reliable and efficient applications


The LAMP Stack is renowned for its robustness and stability. Linux, being an open-source operating system, is known for its security features, regular updates, and reliability. It provides a secure environment for running web applications, protecting against various vulnerabilities and ensuring the integrity of the system.

Apache, as a web server, is highly reliable and capable of handling heavy loads. It has been battle-tested and refined over many years, making it a trusted choice for mission-critical applications. Apache’s modular architecture allows for flexibility and customization, ensuring that it can adapt to specific requirements and optimize performance.

MySQL, the database component, offers ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, ensuring data integrity and reliability. It has been widely adopted in production environments and can handle large datasets and complex queries efficiently.

The scripting languages (PHP, Perl, Python) are well-established and mature, with robust frameworks and libraries available. They offer extensive error handling, exception management, and debugging capabilities, enhancing the overall robustness of the stack.

The robustness of the LAMP Stack instills confidence in PropTech startups, as it ensures the stability and resilience of their applications, even under demanding conditions.


While the LAMP Stack offers numerous advantages, it’s important to consider some of its potential weaknesses:


One potential weakness of the LAMP Stack is its performance when handling high traffic or processing large amounts of data. While Apache is a reliable web server, it may face performance challenges when dealing with a significant number of concurrent connections. Scaling Apache to handle substantial traffic can be complex and may require additional configuration or optimization.

Lack of Native Windows Support

Since the LAMP Stack is primarily built around Linux, it may not have native support for Windows environments. While it is possible to run the LAMP Stack on Windows through tools like WAMP or XAMPP, there may be some differences and compatibility issues compared to the Linux environment. This limitation could be a concern for startups or businesses that heavily rely on Windows-based systems.

Learning Curve and Development Expertise

Another potential weakness of the LAMP Stack is the learning curve associated with its components. While there is a large community and abundant resources available, mastering the intricacies of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and the chosen scripting language (such as PHP, Perl, or Python) may require time and effort.

Developers with limited experience or expertise in the LAMP Stack may face challenges in optimizing performance, ensuring security, and troubleshooting complex issues. Acquiring the necessary skills or hiring qualified professionals might be necessary to maximize the stack’s potential.

While the LAMP Stack offers numerous benefits and has been widely adopted, it’s important to consider its potential weaknesses. Understanding the performance considerations, resource utilization, required expertise, and compatibility limitations can help PropTech startups make informed decisions when choosing their tech stack. It’s essential to evaluate these factors against specific project requirements and consider alternative stacks or technologies when necessary.

Common Use Cases of the LAMP Stack By PropTech Startups in the UK

Property Search and Listing Platforms

PropTech startups often develop property search and listing platforms that connect buyers, sellers, and renters. The LAMP Stack’s flexibility allows them to build feature-rich platforms that enable users to search for properties, view detailed listings, and communicate with real estate agents. The combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and a scripting language like PHP provides the necessary tools for handling complex data structures, managing user interactions, and ensuring seamless functionality.

Rental Management Systems

Managing rental properties efficiently is crucial for landlords and property management companies. PropTech startups in the UK leverage the LAMP Stack to create rental management systems that streamline tasks such as tenant onboarding, rent collection, maintenance requests, and financial reporting. The stack’s scalability and database management capabilities ensure that large volumes of tenant and property data can be effectively processed and stored.

PropTech companies using the LAMP stack in the UK


Zoopla, one of the UK’s prominent online property portals, harnesses the power of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) tech stack as a foundational component of its infrastructure. By utilizing the LAMP stack, Zoopla ensures a robust and reliable platform that seamlessly connects property buyers, sellers, renters, and landlords.


Rightmove is another prominent UK-based online real estate platform that connects property buyers, sellers, and renters. Although comprehensive information about their tech stack is not widely disclosed, they have mentioned PHP, which is a key component of the LAMP stack, as part of their backend development.

MERN Stack

The MERN Stack is a popular tech stack used in web development that combines four key technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Here’s a brief overview of each component:

Components of MERN Stack

  1. MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability. It stores data in JSON-like documents, allowing for easy handling of structured and unstructured data. MongoDB’s flexible schema allows developers to iterate and adapt their data models as needed. It is particularly well-suited for handling large amounts of data and real-time applications.
  2. Express.js: Express.js is a minimalist web application framework for Node.js. It provides a set of robust features and middleware that simplifies the development of web applications and APIs. Express.js handles routing, request handling, and middleware management, making it easier to build scalable and modular server-side applications.
  3. React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create dynamic and interactive UI components that update efficiently and in real-time. React follows a component-based architecture, promoting reusability and modularity. It has gained popularity for its performance, virtual DOM rendering, and extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools.
  4. Node.js: Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to run on the server-side. It provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it highly efficient and suitable for handling concurrent requests. Node.js enables developers to build scalable, high-performance web applications and APIs using JavaScript, both on the server and client sides.


Versatility and Code Reusability
  • The MERN Stack offers versatility and code reusability as it is built entirely on JavaScript. With a unified language for both the front-end and back-end development, developers can share code and components between different layers of the application, reducing redundancy and improving development efficiency.
  • React, as the front-end library, follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable UI components. These components can be easily shared and reused across different parts of the application, resulting in a more modular and maintainable codebase.
  • Node.js enables the use of JavaScript on the server-side, enabling developers to use the same language and share code between the server and the client. This promotes code reusability, reduces context switching, and simplifies the overall development process.
Real-time and Interactive User Interface
  • The MERN Stack, with its combination of React and Node.js, enables the development of real-time and interactive user interfaces. React’s virtual DOM and efficient rendering mechanism allow for seamless updates and smooth user experiences, even with complex and data-intensive applications.
  • Node.js’s event-driven, non-blocking I/O model facilitates the handling of multiple concurrent connections, making it well-suited for building real-time applications, chat systems, collaborative tools, and live data updates.
  • The ability to handle real-time data updates and provide interactive features enhances the user experience, leading to more engaging and dynamic web applications.
Scalability and Performance
  • The MERN Stack offers scalability and high performance due to the combination of MongoDB and Node.js. MongoDB’s flexible schema and distributed architecture allow for horizontal scaling, making it easier to handle increasing data loads and accommodate growing user bases.
  • Node.js’s non-blocking, asynchronous I/O model ensures efficient handling of multiple simultaneous requests, resulting in high concurrency and improved performance. It can handle a large number of concurrent connections with minimal resource consumption.
  • The MERN Stack’s ability to scale horizontally, combined with Node.js’s lightweight and scalable nature, makes it suitable for building applications that can handle high traffic and accommodate future growth.

In summary, the MERN Stack’s strengths lie in its versatility and code reusability, enabling developers to share code and components between different layers of the application. It also empowers the development of real-time and interactive user interfaces, thanks to React and Node.js.

These strengths make the MERN Stack a popular choice for building dynamic, data-driven web applications.


Lack of Mature ECOSYSTEM

Compared to more established stacks, such as LAMP or MEAN, the MERN Stack’s ecosystem may be considered less mature. While there is a growing community and a range of libraries and tools available, it may not offer the same extensive selection and maturity as some other stacks. This can result in fewer resources, documentation, and community support for specific challenges or niche requirements.

Scalability of MongoDB

Although MongoDB is known for its scalability, it may not be the most efficient choice for every use case. While it can handle horizontal scaling by distributing data across multiple servers, certain types of complex queries or data models may not scale as well as in traditional relational databases. Careful schema design and query optimization are crucial to ensure efficient data handling and prevent performance bottlenecks.

Performance Challenges with Real-time Data

While the MERN Stack can handle real-time updates and provide interactive user experiences, it may face performance challenges with highly demanding real-time applications. Real-time data synchronization, especially when dealing with large datasets or high-frequency updates, can put a strain on the server and network bandwidth. Careful optimization and architecture design may be necessary to ensure optimal performance and minimize latency.

Common Use Cases of the LAMP Stack By PropTech Startups in the UK

Real Estate Analytics and Market Insights

Data analysis and market insights play a vital role in the real estate industry. PropTech startups leverage the MERN Stack to develop analytics platforms that provide valuable insights into property market trends, investment opportunities, and property valuation estimations. By using MongoDB to store and query large volumes of real estate data, Express.js to handle server-side logic and API integrations, React for interactive visualizations, and Node.js for efficient data processing, PropTech startups can deliver powerful analytics platforms that assist investors, developers, and real estate professionals in making informed decisions.

Property Investment Platforms

PropTech startups also utilize the MERN Stack to build property investment platforms that connect investors with real estate opportunities. These platforms provide insights into investment options, property performance data, and tools for evaluating returns on investment. The MERN Stack’s real-time capabilities, interactive user interfaces, and data handling capabilities enable startups to create comprehensive investment platforms that facilitate informed decision-making.

Replacing the N in MERN with Next.js

In the MERN stack, Node.js can be replaced with Next.js, an alternative framework for server-side rendering and building React applications. Next.js is built on top of Node.js and provides additional features and functionality specifically tailored for server-side rendering and static site generation.

By using Next.js instead of Node.js in the MERN stack, PropTech startups can leverage the benefits offered by Next.js, such as improved performance, better SEO capabilities, and simpler code organization. Next.js provides server-side rendering out of the box, which can enhance the initial page load time and improve search engine visibility.

Next.js also offers features like automatic code splitting, static site generation, and API routes, making it easier to build scalable and optimized React applications. The framework provides a smooth development experience by handling common tasks like routing, prefetching, and optimized image loading.

However, it’s important to note that Next.js is not a direct replacement for Node.js, as it is a framework that runs on top of it. Next.js uses Node.js for server-side rendering and routing, among other functionalities. Node.js still serves as the runtime environment for executing server-side JavaScript code.

Ultimately, the decision to replace Node.js with Next.js in the MERN stack depends on the specific requirements of the project and the desired features and capabilities. Next.js can be a suitable choice if server-side rendering, improved performance, and SEO optimization are key priorities for the PropTech startup.

PropTech companies using the MERN stack in the UK


Trussle is a leading UK-based online mortgage broker that leverages key components from the MERN Stack, including Node.js and React, to power their innovative platform.

In addition to these foundational technologies, Trussle also incorporates other powerful languages and frameworks such as TypeScript, Express, and Angular. This comprehensive tech stack enables Trussle to deliver a seamless and efficient user experience, facilitating streamlined mortgage applications and comparisons.


The Django stack refers to the combination of technologies and tools used in conjunction with the Django web framework, a high-level Python framework for building web applications. The Django stack typically includes the following components:

  1. Django: Django is the core component of the stack. It is a powerful and feature-rich web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, although it refers to it as the Model-View-Template (MVT) pattern. Django provides a wide range of built-in features, such as an ORM for database interactions, a templating engine for rendering dynamic content, a robust routing system, and an admin interface for managing site content.
  2. Python: Python is the programming language on which Django is built. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Python’s syntax and design principles make it an ideal language for web development and contribute to the overall efficiency and maintainability of Django-based projects.
  3. Database Management System (DBMS): The Django stack supports various DBMS options, including popular choices like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Django’s ORM allows developers to interact with databases using Python objects, abstracting away the underlying SQL queries and providing a high-level database API. This flexibility enables seamless integration with different database backends based on project requirements.
  4. Front-End Technologies: While Django primarily focuses on the backend, it can be combined with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build comprehensive web applications. Django supports template rendering and can serve static files, making it possible to create dynamic user interfaces and provide an interactive user experience.
  5. Additional Libraries and Tools: The Django stack can be further enhanced by incorporating additional libraries and tools to extend Django’s functionalities. Examples include Django REST Framework for building robust APIs, Celery for asynchronous task processing, and Redis for caching and session management. These libraries and tools enhance the capabilities of the Django stack and allow for more efficient and scalable application development.


High-Level Abstractions and Rapid Development

Django provides a high-level framework that abstracts away complex implementation details, allowing developers to focus on building application logic rather than boilerplate code. It offers built-in features such as an ORM, form handling, authentication, and admin interface, which significantly speeds up development time. Django’s convention-over-configuration approach promotes code reusability, reduces redundancy, and simplifies the development process.

Robust Security Features

Django incorporates numerous security features to help developers build secure applications. It includes built-in protection against common web vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. Django also provides secure password hashing, session management, and user authentication mechanisms. By following Django’s security best practices, developers can create applications with a strong security foundation.

Versatile and Modular Architecture

The Django stack follows a modular architecture, allowing developers to build reusable components that can be easily plugged into different projects. Django’s app-based structure encourages modular development, making it easier to maintain and extend applications over time. Developers can leverage Django’s extensive package ecosystem, which offers a wide range of reusable apps and utilities to add functionality and streamline development.

Excellent Documentation

Django is well-known for its thorough and comprehensive documentation. It covers all aspects of the framework, from installation and setup to advanced topics like testing, deployment, and performance optimization. The documentation provides clear explanations, code examples, and best practices, making it easier for developers to learn Django and utilize its features effectively.


While the Django stack offers numerous advantages, it also has a few limitations or weaknesses. Here are two common weaknesses associated with the Django stack:

Overhead and Performance Impact

While Django provides robust features and abstractions, they come with a trade-off in terms of performance. The framework’s flexibility and high-level abstractions may introduce some overhead, impacting the overall performance of the application. Django’s ORM, for example, provides convenience by abstracting database operations, but it can lead to slower database queries compared to hand-tuned SQL queries.

However, with proper optimization techniques, caching mechanisms, and database tuning, it is possible to mitigate performance concerns and build efficient Django applications.


Django is a powerful and feature-rich framework, but it also has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to Python or web development in general. Django’s extensive capabilities and complex documentation can be overwhelming for beginners.

Understanding the framework’s concepts, such as models, views, templates, and URL routing, may require some time and effort. Additionally, Django’s convention-over-configuration approach may feel restrictive to developers who prefer more flexibility and control over their code.

It’s important to note that these weaknesses are relative and may not pose significant challenges for experienced Django developers or projects that align well with Django’s strengths.

Additionally, Django’s active community, extensive documentation, and availability of performance optimization techniques can help mitigate these weaknesses and ensure successful development and deployment of Django-based applications.

Common Use Cases of the Django Stack By PropTech Startups in the UK

Here are some use cases where PropTech startups in the UK may utilize the Django stack:

Property Management Systems

PropTech startups often require sophisticated property management systems to handle various aspects of property operations, including tenant management, lease management, maintenance requests, and financial transactions. Django’s built-in features, such as its object-relational mapping (ORM) for database interactions, authentication system, and admin interface, make it a suitable choice for developing comprehensive property management solutions.

Analytics and Reporting Tools

Data analysis and reporting play a crucial role in the real estate industry. PropTech startups may use the Django stack to develop analytics platforms that provide insights into market trends, property performance, and investment opportunities. Django’s integration with data processing libraries and its ability to handle complex data models enable the creation of powerful analytics tools tailored to the specific needs of the real estate sector.

CRM and Customer Service Solutions

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are essential for PropTech startups to manage interactions with clients, track leads, and provide efficient customer support. Django, with its flexibility and extensibility, allows for the development of CRM solutions that integrate with other systems, handle customer data securely, and provide automation features for streamlined communication and support.

PropTech companies using the Django stack in the UK


Plentific, a property management platform, is developed using Django and Python version 3 as its robust backend technology. Complementing this powerful backend, the frontend of Plentific is built with React, a popular JavaScript library.