Top 5 Proptech Venture Capital Firms in Europe

Global PropTech News

Last Updated: July 12, 2023 01:53:37

Cover Image Showing County Dublin Ireland in Europe

Looking to stay ahead of the game in the rapidly evolving Proptech industry? Whether you’re a Proptech startup seeking funding or an investor on the lookout for the latest trends and emerging technologies, you need to know about the Top 5 Proptech Venture Capital Firms in Europe.

These VC firms are driving innovation and transforming the real estate industry by investing in startups that are developing solutions to address the most pressing challenges facing the sector. One such example is Pi Labs, which recently invested in AskPorter, a startup that leverages AI to automate property management workflows. Another is M7 Real Estate, which has partnered with Pi Labs to launch a new Proptech accelerator program.

The impact of these VC firms on the Proptech industry cannot be overstated, and they continue to lead the way in identifying and investing in the most promising startups in the field. The latest development in the industry is the launch of the €200m Proptech Fund by Round Hill Ventures, a European VC firm. This fund will focus on investing in startups that are developing cutting-edge solutions for the real estate industry, such as smart building technologies and online property management platforms.

Recently, PitchBook released a list of these top firms, and we are here to provide a more in-depth look into what makes these firms stand out in the Proptech market.

These firms have a proven track record of investing in innovative and promising Proptech startups in Europe. By providing funding, mentorship, and strategic guidance, these firms are helping to drive innovation and transform the real estate industry for the better.

In this article, we will explore the impact of these top VC firms on the Proptech industry, the emerging technologies they are investing in, and the Proptech market trends they are driving. We will also provide valuable insights for Proptech startups seeking investment, including tips on how to approach these top VC firms and what they are looking for in potential investment opportunities.

So whether you’re an investor or a Proptech startup, read on to discover how these Top 5 Proptech Venture Capital Firms in Europe can help you stay ahead of the game in this rapidly growing and evolving industry.

Looking for specific information? Check out our quick links to jump to a particular section of the article:

  1. The Role of VC Firms in Nurturing and Supporting PropTech Startups: A Brief Overview
  2. Top Venture Capitalists Investing in PropTech
  3. Exploring the Emerging PropTech Technologies that Top VC Firms are Investing In
  4. What Top VC Firms Look for in Potential Investment Opportunities in PropTech
  5. Tips on how to approach PropTech VC firms

The Role of VC Firms in Nurturing and Supporting PropTech Startups: A Brief Overview

The Proptech industry is a rapidly growing sector that is focused on using technology to transform the real estate industry. PropTech startups are developing innovative real estate technology to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the real estate industry, such as improving the efficiency of property management, enhancing the customer experience, and increasing transparency in the property market.

VC firms play a crucial role in nurturing and supporting Proptech startups. These firms provide funding, mentorship, and strategic guidance to help startups grow and scale their businesses. VC firms also have extensive networks and connections within the industry, which can help startups access new markets, forge partnerships, and secure additional funding.

In addition to providing financial support, VC firms also help PropTech startups navigate the complex regulatory environment of the real estate industry. This can be especially challenging for startups that are developing new and innovative solutions that may not fit neatly into existing regulatory frameworks.

Overall, VC firms are essential to the growth and success of the Proptech industry. By providing funding, mentorship, and strategic guidance, these firms are helping to drive innovation and transform the real estate industry for the better.

Top VCs Investing in PropTech


Atomico is a London-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage European startups with the potential to become global leaders in their respective industries. While Atomico invests in a range of sectors, it has a proven track record of successful investments in Proptech startups like Hubble, Habito, and LendInvest.

For example, Atomico led a £18.5 million Series B funding round for Habito in 2019, and has continued to support the company through subsequent funding rounds. Habito has raised over £63 million to date and has helped thousands of customers find the best mortgage deals using AI and machine learning. Atomico has also invested in other sectors, like fintech, having led a $10 million Series B funding round for Swedish fintech company Klarna in 2011. Today, Klarna is valued at over $45 billion, making it one of Europe’s most valuable fintech companies.

Atomico stands out from traditional VC firms due to its unique investment strategy, which prioritizes supporting ambitious founders in their efforts to create positive change in society and the economy.

Atomico invests in world-shapers who have the potential to revolutionize their industries. The firm provides founders with more than just financial support, working closely with them to scale their companies consciously and utilizing its extensive experience in scaling successful companies.

Atomico’s ultimate mission is to foster the world’s most prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and mission-driven technology ecosystem in Europe.


Pi Labs is a leading venture capital firm based in London that is dedicated to supporting innovation and disruption in the real estate industry through investments in proptech startups.

With a mission to identify and invest in the most promising early-stage proptech companies, Pi Labs provides not only funding but also mentorship and support to help these companies scale and achieve their potential. The firm has a proven track record of successful investments in proptech startups, including AskPorter, Plentific, and Trussle.

As mentioned earlier, PI Labs operates an accelerator program that supports early-stage proptech startups. This program provides mentorship, office space, and access to a network of industry experts, investors, and corporate partners.

Through this program, startups can refine their business models, develop their products, and prepare for future fundraising rounds. PI Labs has a strong track record of helping startups in its accelerator program achieve success, with alumni such as FocalPoint Positioning, Propoly, and Lavanda.

PropTech1 Ventures

PropTech1 Ventures is a Munich-based venture capital firm that focuses solely on investing in early-stage Proptech startups across Europe. The company’s investment strategy is centered around identifying and backing innovative Proptech solutions that are transforming the real estate industry.

PropTech1 has a team of seasoned investors and industry experts who bring their extensive knowledge and expertise to the table to help the startups they invest in scale their businesses.

The firm has a proven track record of successful investments in Proptech startups, such as:

  • PlanA.Earth, an AI-powered carbon management platform
  • Architrave, a cloud-based asset management platform
  •, a rental management software provider

PropTech1 Ventures invests in startups that are leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and the Internet of Things to create new and innovative solutions for the real estate industry.

In addition to providing funding, PropTech1 also offers its portfolio companies access to its global network of industry contacts, as well as mentorship and support from its experienced team of professionals. PropTech1 Ventures is committed to fostering innovation in the Proptech industry and is a valuable partner for startups looking to grow and succeed.

M7 Real Estate

M7 Real Estate is a leading specialist in European multi-let real estate investment. The company has a proven track record of delivering strong returns for its investors by acquiring under-managed or under-invested properties and then improving their value through active asset management.

M7 Real Estate has a portfolio of over 800 properties across 14 countries in Europe, with a total value of over €5 billion. The company recently launched an accelerator program for Proptech startups in Europe called M7 Scale-Up. The program provides early-stage Proptech startups with access to funding, mentorship, and industry expertise to help them grow and succeed.

M7 Real Estate has a strong track record of investing in Proptech startups, with successful investments in companies such as Goodlord, a cloud-based lettings platform, Hubble, a flexible office space provider, and VTS, a commercial real estate leasing and asset management platform. M7 Real Estate is committed to fostering innovation in the real estate industry and is a valuable partner for startups looking to disrupt and transform the sector.

Fifth Wall

Wrapping up the list of top VC firms investing in Proptech, we have Fifth Wall, a Los Angeles-based company that has made a name for itself in the Proptech space. Despite being based in the US, Fifth Wall invests in Proptech startups not only in the US but also in Europe. The firm’s investment strategy revolves around identifying and investing in companies that are developing innovative solutions for the real estate industry. With a focus on creating value for its portfolio companies, Fifth Wall has successfully invested in a number of Proptech startups, including Opendoor, Limehome, and Hippo.

Exploring the Emerging PropTech Technologies that Top VC Firms are Investing In

Smart Building Technologies and Online Property Management Platforms

Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the investment in smart building technologies and online property management platforms by European venture capital firms. These technologies are transforming the real estate industry by providing innovative solutions that improve the efficiency, sustainability, and profitability of buildings. One of the main drivers of this trend is the increasing demand for smart buildings that are equipped with advanced technologies such as IoT sensors, machine learning algorithms, and data analytics tools.

These technologies enable building owners and managers to optimize energy consumption, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance the overall tenant experience. Another factor driving investment in smart building technologies and online property management platforms is the growing adoption of remote work and flexible office spaces. These trends have created a need for more flexible and agile real estate solutions that can adapt to changing work patterns and accommodate the needs of a more diverse workforce.

Overall, the increasing investment in smart building technologies and online property management platforms by European venture capital firms reflects the growing importance of these technologies in the real estate industry. These investments are helping to drive innovation and transform the way that buildings are designed, built, and managed, creating a more sustainable, efficient, and profitable real estate sector.

AI-powered Workflow Automation for Property Managers

European venture capitalists are increasingly investing in AI-powered workflow automation for property managers, recognizing the potential of these tools to transform the real estate industry. By streamlining workflows, reducing costs, and improving tenant experiences, AI-powered tools offer a range of benefits for property managers and investors alike.

One of the key areas of investment in this space is in energy management and sustainability. AI-powered tools can help property managers optimize energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and improve building performance.

For example, London-based startup Grid Edge is using AI to optimize energy consumption in commercial buildings, while Berlin-based startup Ecolytiq is using AI to analyze energy consumption data and identify opportunities for savings.

Overall, European venture capitalists are recognizing the potential of AI-powered workflow automation to transform the real estate industry, and are investing in a range of startups that are developing innovative solutions in this space.

What Top VC Firms Look for in Potential Investment Opportunities in PropTech

When considering investment opportunities in proptech startups, top VC firms have their own set of specific criteria. Although each firm may have its own unique focus areas, there are several key factors that these top VC firms commonly evaluate.

Here are the main criteria that they look for:

Solid Founding Team

One thing we can be certain of is that Venture Capitalist firms are looking for innovative and creative individuals who they can see themselves working with.

VC firms typically seek out startups with a strong founding team that has a proven track record of success, in-depth industry knowledge, and a clear vision for the future. It’s important for proptech startups to demonstrate their expertise and passion for the industry, as well as their ability to execute on their plans effectively.

By showcasing these qualities, startups are more likely to attract the attention and investment of top VC firms in the proptech industry.

Innovative technology

To catch the eye of VC firms, startups must focus on developing technology that is both innovative and disruptive to the real estate industry, providing a clear competitive advantage.

These firms are often attracted to companies with novel ideas that can potentially revolutionize the market. Therefore, it’s crucial for startups to invest in research and development to create cutting-edge solutions that address the needs of the real estate industry. By doing so, they increase their chances of catching the attention of VC firms and securing funding.

Product-market fit

When evaluating potential investment opportunities in proptech, VC firms place great emphasis on product-market fit. This means that they want to see that startups have a clear understanding of their target market and have developed a product or service that meets a clear need in the market. It’s not enough for a startup to simply have a good idea or a new technology – they must be able to demonstrate that their solution solves a real problem for their target customers.

VC firms will typically look for evidence that the startup has conducted market research and user testing to validate their assumptions and ensure that there is a strong demand for their solution. Startups that have a deep understanding of their customers and can demonstrate product-market fit are more likely to attract the attention of top VC firms.

Clear Path To Profitability

To catch the attention of VC firms, it’s important for startups to demonstrate a clear path to profitability. VC firms are interested in companies with a sustainable business model and a solid plan for long-term growth. This means startups should have a well-thought-out strategy for generating revenue and scaling their business over time. Showing that the company has a clear understanding of its market, customer needs, and how it will meet those needs in a profitable way can be a key factor in securing investment from top VC firms.

Additionally, the startup should have a clear understanding of the market it operates in and the potential for growth, and be able to articulate how it plans to capture and maintain a competitive advantage in the industry.

Approaching Top VC Firms: Tips for PropTech Startups

Intensive Research

While it may seem tedious and time-consuming, conducting thorough research and gaining a clear understanding of the VC’s investment focus and criteria is essential. This will help you determine whether your idea is the best fit for the VC, and enable you to tailor your pitch to the VC’s interests. Knowing the VC’s portfolio and past investments can also provide insight into their preferred sectors and business models. It’s essential to be well-prepared and demonstrate a deep understanding of your market, competitors, and how your product or service can solve a clear problem. This level of preparedness can give VCs confidence in your ability to execute and increase the likelihood of securing funding.

From Lame Ideas to Funded Startups: How to Impress VC Firms with Your Pitch

Ideas are a dime a dozen. What really counts is execution. VC firms are not interested in just hearing about ideas; they want to see that startups have taken concrete steps towards developing their product or service. That being said, it’s important to remember that VC firms are not just sources of funding, but also valuable partners who can provide guidance and expertise to help startups grow and succeed. Therefore, it’s essential to approach VC firms with a solid business plan, a clear understanding of the market, and a roadmap for the future.

Teaser Pitch Deck to Hook Top VC Firms

Sending a teaser pitch deck is a smart way to introduce your startup to a VC. This brief document or video provides a snapshot of your business and its value proposition, serving as a hook to grab their attention.

A well-crafted teaser pitch deck can help you stand out from the crowd and generate interest in your idea without overwhelming the investor with information. This initial communication should be carefully crafted to highlight your startup’s strengths and entice the VC to learn more.

Keep it short, sweet, and to the point, focusing on your key value proposition and unique selling points. Remember, the goal is to generate enough interest to secure a meeting where you can provide more detailed information about your startup.

Key Takeaways for Securing Funding from Top VC Firms in Proptech

Based on the information I’ve shared with you, it’s clear that securing funding for your proptech startup requires more than just a great idea. VC firms are looking for startups with a strong founding team, a scalable business model, innovative technology, product-market fit, traction, and a clear path to profitability.

However, by focusing on these key factors and demonstrating your startup’s potential for growth and success, you can increase your chances of securing funding from top VC firms.

Remember, building a successful proptech startup takes time, effort, and dedication. But with the right team, technology, and strategy, you’re well on your way to transforming the real estate industry and generating significant returns on investment. So stay focused, stay motivated, and keep pushing forward. And who knows? You might just be the next proptech startup to secure funding from a top VC firm!