How to Launch Your Career as a Virtual Real Estate Assistant in the Philippines

Software and Tools

Last Updated: August 7, 2023 19:31:30

Cover Image : An Image showing the Philippines

Are you interested in a career as a virtual real estate assistant in the Philippines? According to the National Association of Realtors, 11% of Realtors use at least one personal assistant, and 48% of personal assistants are employed full-time. With the growing trend of virtual work, now is the perfect time to launch your career as a virtual real estate assistant in the Philippines.

Here are the steps you can follow to become a competent virtual real estate assistant in the Philippines:,

  1. Gain Knowledge and Skills in Real Estate   One cannot underscore the importance of knowledge and skills in the highly competitive real estate market. As a virtual real estate assistant, you need a solid understanding of the industry, coupled with the dexterity to handle tasks efficiently.  Building Your Knowledge Base  Before stepping into the practical world, you need to build a strong theoretical background. This involves understanding real estate laws, market trends, and the intricacies of property transactions. Here are a few resources that can skyrocket your understanding: 
    1. Real Estate Development, Urban Planning, and Property Law (Coursera): This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the real estate industry, including property law and urban planning.
    2. Introduction to Real Estate (Udemy): This Udemy course will lay the foundation for your understanding of real estate, and it is suitable for beginners.
    3. Real Estate Principles (Khan Academy): Khan Academy offers this free resource to learn the basics of real estate principles, and it’s a great starting point.
    Honing Your Skills  Once you’ve built a solid knowledge base, it’s time to apply that knowledge and refine your skills. 
    • Real Estate Virtual Assistant Training (REVA Academy): This training is a practical, hands-on course designed to equip you with the skills you need to succeed as a virtual real estate assistant.
    • Virtual Assistant Real Estate Tasks (Udemy): This course focuses on the specific tasks that a virtual real estate assistant may be asked to perform.
    • Real Estate Virtual Assistant Certification (Philippine Virtual Assistant Network): This certification will validate your skills and make you more attractive to potential employers.
    Remember, gaining knowledge and skills is not a one-time process. It requires ongoing learning, keeping up with industry trends, and continuous improvement.
  2. Importance of Building a Portfolio and What it Should Include  Building a portfolio is a crucial step for launching your career as a virtual real estate assistant. A well-constructed portfolio serves as a visual proof of your abilities, showcasing your skills, accomplishments, and experience to potential clients. It frames your professional identity and can be a deciding factor in your successful hire.  Why Is a Portfolio Important?  Building a portfolio is more than just a formality. It’s a powerful tool that allows potential clients to gauge your capabilities and fit for their needs. It provides tangible evidence of your skills and expertise, making you a more credible and appealing choice. What to Include in Your Portfolio? 
    • Work samples: From property listings you’ve managed, to customer relations records or even marketing plans you’ve created – demonstrate your expertise with real examples.
    • Testimonials: Include positive feedback from previous clients or employers. This serves as social proof of your abilities and professionalism.
    • Certifications and Education: List any relevant certifications or educational qualifications. This could include real estate courses, office management certificates, or even degrees relevant to the industry.
    • Skills list: Outline your skills relevant to the job, such as proficiency in real estate management software, ability to conduct market research, or aptitude in digital marketing.
    In essence, a well-crafted portfolio highlights your abilities and offers concrete evidence of your potential to deliver excellent service as a virtual real estate assistant. So, invest the time and effort to build one that truly reflects your capacities.
  3. Look for Job Opportunities  Launching your career as a Virtual Real Estate Assistant in the Philippines requires you to take the first step – searching for job opportunities. Here are some platforms where you can find relevant job openings: 
    • This is the largest online marketplace specifically for Filipino freelancers. You can find a wide range of virtual real estate assistant job openings here.
    • LinkedIn: The world’s largest professional network also offers job postings. Don’t forget to customize your profile and indicate your interest in real estate virtual assistant jobs.
    • Indeed: A global job search engine that also covers the Philippines. Use specific keywords like “virtual real estate assistant” to narrow down your search.
    • Upwork: A global freelancing platform where independent professionals and businesses connect. You can find numerous remote job opportunities here, including those in the real estate sector.
    All of these platforms provide a variety of opportunities for aspiring Virtual Real Estate Assistants. Take time to create a comprehensive profile, upload your resume, and start applying to the jobs that fit your skills and interests.
  4. Market Yourself  Launching your career as a virtual real estate assistant in the Philippines requires more than just the technical skills and expertise in the field. It’s also about how you represent yourself and your services to the potential clients. Marketing yourself effectively calls for strategic planning and proper implementation. Here are some specific strategies and tips to help you make an impact in the virtual real estate world:  Social Media Marketing 
    • Optimize Your Profiles: Ensure your social media profiles reflect your services as a virtual real estate assistant. Add relevant keywords in your bio and descriptions.
    • Engage Authentically: Engage with your audience by commenting on posts, responding to queries, and regularly sharing valuable content related to real estate.
    • Utilize Paid Advertisements: Consider using paid ads to reach a wider audience. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer targeted advertising options to reach your desired demographic.
    Email Marketing 
    1. Create a Subscriber List: Build a list of people interested in real estate services. Provide them with valuable content and updates about your services.
    2. Personalize Your Emails: Personalized emails tend to have a higher open rate. Make sure to address the recipient by their name and tailor the content to their interests.
    3. Implement an Email Automation System: Automate your email campaigns for consistent communication with your subscribers.
    Online Advertising  Proper online advertising can take your virtual real estate assistant career to new heights. It involves strategically placing ads on various online platforms to reach potential clients. Keep in mind, it’s not about the quantity of ads but the quality and placement that matters. In conclusion, marketing yourself as a virtual real estate assistant requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and consistency. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be able to create a strong online presence and effectively attract your target audience. 
  5. Key Components to Establish and Maintain Effective Working Relationships  The establishment of solid working relationships is fundamental to the success of a virtual real estate assistant. This is especially true in the Philippines, where the real estate market is growing at a rapid pace. Three core attributes that can significantly enhance these relationships include communication, professionalism, and reliability.  Communication  Effective communication is the backbone of any successful business relationship. As a virtual real estate assistant, you should be able to articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and keeps everyone on the same page.  Professionalism  It’s crucial to maintain a high level of professionalism at all times. This means being respectful, thoughtful, and considerate in all your interactions. Professionalism also entails doing your work competently and efficiently.  Reliability  Being reliable means delivering on your promises and meeting your deadlines. This builds trust and confidence, which are essential in any working relationship.  Remember, your reputation as a virtual real estate assistant greatly depends on your ability to effectively communicate, demonstrate professionalism, and be reliable. These qualities are not just desirable – they are essential. Managing Clients’ Expectations and Handling Conflicts  Effectively managing clients’ expectations and handling conflicts are also key to maintaining a successful virtual real estate career. Here are some tips on how to do this:
    1. Set clear expectations: Clear communication about what you can and cannot do can prevent many issues from arising.
    2. Be proactive: Don’t wait for problems to occur. Instead, anticipate potential challenges and address them before they become issues.
    3. Seek feedback: Regularly ask for feedback to understand how you can improve your services and better meet your clients’ needs.
    4. Resolve conflicts swiftly: If a conflict arises, handle it promptly and professionally. Ignoring it won’t make it go away.

Being tech-savvy is essential to effectively utilize tools and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. Virtual real estate assistants are responsible for handling administrative tasks, managing schedules, and using various software and tools. 

Key Software and Tools for Virtual Real Estate Assistants 

In the realm of virtual real estate assistance, there are several software and tools you should be familiar with: 

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools: Such as Zoho CRM and HubSpot CRM which help manage client interactions.
  • Project Management Tools: Such as Trello and Asana, for organizing tasks and deadlines.
  • Scheduling Tools: Like Calendly and Doodle, to handle appointments and meetings.
  • Real Estate Specific Tools: Including MLS software, Zillow Premier Agent, and Dotloop for handling real estate transactions.

Improving your technical skills in these areas by taking courses or practicing with online tools will make you a more desirable candidate for potential clients. 

Recommended Courses and Resources 

To bolster your technical skills, consider the following resources: 

  1. LinkedIn Learning: Offers a range of courses on CRM software, project management, and other relevant skills.
  2. Coursera: Provides comprehensive courses on digital marketing specifically tailored for real estate.
  3. Udemy: Offers courses on mastering real estate tools like Zillow and MLS systems.

Developing a Marketing Plan as a Virtual Real Estate Assistant in the Philippines 

Having a solid marketing plan is crucial for a Virtual Real Estate Assistant. It not only helps to attract potential clients but also ensures your services remain relevant in this digital age. Here’s a practical guide on how to develop your marketing plan, utilizing next-generation real estate software solutions from Dubai. 

Understanding the Market 

Begin with a clear understanding of the real estate market in the Philippines. Know your potential clients’ preferences, the trending real estate technologies, and the challenges in this market. 

Knowledge is power. Understand your market to position yourself strategically.

Identifying Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) 

What makes you different from other Virtual Real Estate Assistants? Your USP could be your comprehensive understanding of the next-gen real estate software solutions or your exceptional customer service. Highlight this in your marketing strategy. 

Using Advanced Real Estate Software Solutions 

Embrace the power of technology by using advanced real estate software solutions. These tools offer comprehensive solutions for property management, sales, and marketing, giving you an edge over your competitors. 

  • Property Management Software: Enables you to manage properties efficiently and provide top-notch services to your clients.
  • Sales Software: Streamlines the sales process, facilitating faster and more efficient transactions.
  • Marketing Software: Enhances your marketing efforts, allowing you to reach a wider audience.

Creating a Strong Online Presence 

In this digital era, your online presence can make or break your career. Optimize your website for search engines, consistently post relevant content, and engage with your audience on social media platforms. 

Remember, your online presence is your digital business card. Make it count!

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Marketing Plan 

Lastly, remember that a marketing plan is not set in stone. Monitor its effectiveness regularly and adjust as necessary. Stay flexible and adapt to changes in the market for continued success. 

Success is not the destination, it’s a journey. Stay adaptable and keep striving for better.

By following these steps, using these tips and, most importantly, being tech-savvy, you can become a competent virtual real estate assistant in the Philippines and establish a successful career in this field. Don’t wait any longer – launch your virtual real estate assistant career today!